A Year in the Life of a Commercial Integration Company

The innovative curved LED wall at Wrigley Field, part of a commercial integration project in Chicago.

An organization must celebrate its successes and forge a direction for the year ahead. As a top commercial integrator for professional audiovisual technology we’re fortunate to have some important wins to celebrate as 2023 winds to a close. From a milestone project at Chicago’s hallowed Wrigley Field to the personal recognition of some of our top team members, let’s delve into how McCann Systems continues to move forward with our guiding principles of care, challenge, and create.

Generative AI for Commercial Integrators: A Potential Gold Rush?

A small meeting room with laptops on the table and a display screen at the head of the room.

Exploring How AI Will Change Our Business Like many other businesses across the country, McCann Systems is spending considerable time thinking about how AI (artificial intelligence) will impact our business. Whether you are a commercial integrator like us in St. Louis or a business anywhere in the world, AI is poised to have a seismic […]